Thursday, April 24, 2008

The beginning..

It's weird ...the feeling, knowing that my thoughts, my rants, my feelings will be published on the WWW.
Hubby asked what am I going to write about. I said anything and everything. It will be a place for me to bitch ie. be myself *wink*. He can't argue with that :-P
Better for me to bitch over here than for him to receive the brunt of it.

So here first post.
I will leave it to another day to explain why am I calling myself the reluctant mum. So far, 2 ppl feel that the name makes me seem angry and I can't argue with that. But after reading my explanation, most of you will see the light....

So bye for now. Till I write again-have a good weekend



Looks like your blog is going to be updated only monthly. Perhaps you want to change the name of the blog to "Periodic Mom" instead...

mithz said...

Welcome to the blogosphere...! I can't wait for some ah beng and ah lian stories....