Monday, May 12, 2008

Why reluctant mum?

Why call yourself that? Many people asked....

Why not? is my answer.

I love babies.

I love how they smell=Spit and powder

I love how they feel=Soft and cuddly

I love how they sound=gurgles and giggles

They grow to be toddlers.

I love how they waddle and fall down after attempting the first few steps.

I love how slowly form into little people.

I love how amazed they are when discovering lil things like seeing a butterfly, caterpillar, fish. Things that we adults take for granted.

Then I gave birth to Isaac....

With him came the cries, the yells, the poo, nightly feeds and what I hated most was losing sleep.

I was not a happy mummy. I cried when he cried and it was often. I thought I'd be able to sashay my way into the Stepford Wife role but I was SOOO wrong. I hated being at home during the 2 months of my maternity leave. All the books that I read did not prepare me for having a baby. These books talk of the niceties of having a baby and none of the horrors mothers face everyday.

Eventually Isaac got better. He is now turning 3. From a yelling and screaming baby, he has grown into a fine, young toddler. He has none of those tantrums that toddlers are famous for, he is not fussy with food, he is polite, loves to read and most importantly he is so much more matured than lil kids his age.

We are expecting another boy in a couple of weeks. We have decided to name him Ian. While I think I will be more prepared with this baby, I am still apprehensive about the sleep that I am going to lose( As you can tell by now, Sleep is THAT important to me!!) Yes, I will be going through a whole cycle again and I pray that I have more strength to go through with it and less of the murderous thoughts that invade my head when babies cry.

So, one can conclude that I am no Bree from Desperate Housewives. I am more like Lynette when it comes to disciplining kids but at the end of it all, I hope I will have a child/mother relationship similar to that of Susan's.

At the end of a bad day, nothing perks me up faster than coming home face like this. Knowing that in his heart, you are the world to him. The best thing about kids....they unabashedly let their love shine through.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is so so darn cute!!!
As I told you...i'd laugh if Ian turns out to b a terror....
